- bleed flow
- поток воздуха, отбираемого от двигателя
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Bleed air — in gas turbine engines is compressed air taken from within the engine, after the compressor stage(s) and before the fuel is injected in the burners. While in theory bleed air could be drawn in any gas turbine engine, its usage is generally… … Wikipedia
bleed — /bleed/, v., bled /bled/, bleeding, n., adj. v.i. 1. to lose blood from the vascular system, either internally into the body or externally through a natural orifice or break in the skin: to bleed from the mouth. 2. (of injured tissue,… … Universalium
bleed — [v1] cause blood to flow drain, exude, gush, hemorrhage, leech, ooze, open vein, phlebotomize, run, seep, shed, spurt, trickle, weep; concept 185 bleed [v2] extort blackmail, confiscate, deplete, drain, exhaust, extract, fleece, impoverish,… … New thesaurus
bleed — [c]/blid / (say bleed) verb (bled /blɛd / (say bled), bleeding) –verb (i) 1. to lose blood, from the body or internally from the vascular system. 2. to be severely wounded or die, as in battle: bled for the cause. 3. to cause blood to flow,… …
Bleed screw — A bleed screw is a device used to create a temporary opening in an otherwise closed system, which facilitates the removal of air or another substance from the system by way of pressure and density differences.On a home radiator unit, the bleed… … Wikipedia
bleed — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. flow, hemorrhage; let blood; overcharge, fleece, soak (sl.), skin (sl.); suffer. See pain, stealing, fluidity. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To lose blood] Syn. shed blood, be bleeding, have unstaunched… … English dictionary for students
bleed — [[t]blid[/t]] v. bled(bled), bleed•ing, 1) pat to lose, discharge, or exude blood 2) bot (of a plant) to exude sap, resin, etc., from a wound 3) tex a) to run or become diffused: The colors bled when the dress was washed[/ex] b) tex to lose or… … From formal English to slang
bleed valve — A valve designed to relieve the back pressure in a compressor, which helps to reduce the angle of attack of the rotor blades and prevent compressor stall and compressor surge. A bleed valve permits higher mass airflow through the compressor and… … Aviation dictionary
flow — 1. To bleed from the uterus less profusely than in flooding. 2. The menstrual discharge. 3. Movement of a liquid or gas; specifically, the volume of liquid or gas passing a given point per unit of … Medical dictionary
bleed orifice — A calibrated orifice used in a fluid power system to allow a controlled flow of fluid into the system when it is in operation. When the system is not in operation, all of the pressure is bled off through the bleed orifice … Aviation dictionary
bleed — verb 1) his arm was bleeding Syn: lose blood, hemorrhage 2) the doctor bled him Syn: draw blood from; Medicine exsanguinate; archaic phlebotomize 3) one color bled into another Syn: flow, run … Thesaurus of popular words